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Share alike in a sentence

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Sentence count:13+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2024-08-28Updated:2024-08-28
Similar words: share and share alikelike a logLike attracts likelike a lambalikelike a charmlike for likesleep like a log
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1. Share and share alike.
2. Don't be so selfish it's share and share alike in this house.
3. I've no money—we all share and share alike in camp.
4. Don't keep all those chocolates to yourself - share and share alike.
5. Don't keep them all to yourselves; we must share and share
6. The entire estate was bequeathed to the four children, share and share alike.
7. The twins had an easygoing family spirit of share and share alike.
8. Do you think that they meant allowing anyone to use their brand in any way they chose on a share and share alike basis?
9. Sharing programs like Bike Share have recently increased in popularity as Americans adopt a kindergarten mantra: Share and share alike.
10. You shall sell out inside of the fortnight for three millions cash, using my name freely, and we'll divide, share and share alike.
11. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike 2.1 Japan License.
12. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike 3.0 License.
13. This site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike 2.5 License.
More similar words: share and share alikelike a logLike attracts likelike a lambalikelike a charmlike for likesleep like a loglive like a lorddreamlikelook-alikethreadlikework like a charmhave a liking forspread like wildfireshareablelike greased lightningrealiarealignrealistrealityrealiserealismrealizerealizedreal incomerealisedunrealityrealisticin reality
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